British Association of Canadian Studies - latest news

BACS COUNCIL NEWS The BACS Council met on 30 September and agreed that that the two vacant elected positions on the Council should be filled by Patrick Holdich, formerly Head of North American research at the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and Christopher Kirkey, Director of the Center for the Study of Canada and Institute of Quebec Studies at SUNY Plattsburgh.  The BACS Council has members based in Ireland, Canada and the United States as well as the UK. The current membership of the BACS Council can be viewed on the BACS website.

 BACS EVENTS, 2022-2023  There will be a monthly online Canadian Studies events programme in 2022-23 commencing on 18 October. The events will take place on Tuesdays at 6.00pm (UK time) via Zoom.  Registration is via Eventbrite, and further details and the Zoom link for each event will be available in BACS newsletters and on the events page of the BACS website. Attendance is free but attendees must be registered to receive the Zoom link for the event. 

BACS PANEL - QUEBEC ELECTION RESULTS, 18 OCTOBER 2022 (this event has already taken place and is shared here for info). Our first event will be a panel discussion of the Quebec elections that took place on Monday 3 October.  Why did François Legault and the CAQ triumph in the elections and what does there victory mean for Quebec and the rest of Canada? ​Tickets are free but registration via Eventbrite is required in order to be sent the Zoom link to the event. A panel of distinguish speakers based in Quebec, the UK and the US will discuss the outcome of the Quebec election of 3 October 2022  The panel includes Dr James Kennedy (Edinburgh University), Professor Christopher Kirkey (SUNY Plattsburgh) and Professor Jocelyn Létourneau (Laval University). The event is chaired by Dr Tony McCulloch (UCL Institute of the Americas) and will include a Q and A with members of the audience.  Registered attendees will be sent a Zoom link on Monday 17 October. 

BACS PANEL - CONSERVATIVE PARTY LEADERSHIP CONTEST, 22 NOVEMBER 2022 Our second event will be a panel discussion of the outcome of the recent Conservative party leadership election in Canada in which Pierre Poilievre defeated Jean Charest. The panel will include Professor Jean-François Godbout (University of Montreal), Dr Steve Hewitt (University of Birmingham) and Professor Christopher Kirkey (SUNY, Plattsburgh). Further details and the Eventbrite link will be included in the November newsletter and on the BACS website.

BACS MEMBERSHIP 2022 and 2023 If you have not yet taken out BACS membership for 2022 it is still possible to do so via Eventbrite link above, whether or not you will be attending the Quebec election event.  A 2022 subscription for the BJCS can also be purchased via this Eventbrite link. BACS membership for 2023 will be available from next month and will in future include online access to the BJCS. 

BACS CONFERENCE, 20-22 APRIL 2023 At its recent meeting the BACS Council decided that the next BACS Conference will take place in-person in London in late April, with an online dimension as far as possible. The provisional dates are 20-22 April 2023. Further details and a call for papers will be published shortly.

BJCS, ISSUE 34.2 (AUTUMN 2022) The autumn issue of the British Journal on Canadian Studies (Volume 34.2) will be available to subscribers shortly.  Launched over thirty years ago, the BJCS is broad-based, multidisciplinary, and international, welcoming contributions from all areas of the arts and humanities and the economic and social sciences. For further information on the journal see the BJCS webpage .  Enquiries about submitting an article to the journal should be sent to the Editor, Maeve Conrick. Proposals for special issues on specific Canadian themes are especially welcome. Please address proposals or queries regarding the journal to the BJCS Editor, Professor Maeve Conrick, at

 BJCS - BOOKS FOR REVIEW A new list of Canada-related books for review can be accessed at this link on the BACS website.

LJCS -VOLUME 36.1  The autumn issue of the London Journal of Canadian Studies, published by UCL Press, is now available online. The theme of the issue is 'Canada and the North Atlantic Triangle from Munich to Suez, 1938-1956'. Print copies can be requested from the Editor, Dr Tony McCulloch .

EMERGING SCHOLARS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK  For further details about the International Network of Emerging Scholars in Canadian Studies please contact the  BACS representative Dr Ellie Bird - 

QUEBEC RESEARCH PRIZE The Prix de la Délégation générale du Québec à Londres is an annual award of £1,500, generously offered for a number of years by the Government of Québec and administered by BACS. It is designed to assist independent researchers, faculty and students, who are permanent UK residents, to carry out research projects related to Québec. The award may be used for the purpose of a research trip and / or conference attendance and / or publication expenses. Projects that incorporate Québec in a comparative approach (at least 50% of the focus must be on Québec) are also eligible. The projects submitted should ideally have a contemporary resonance.  All applications are welcome, including those from applicants unsuccessful in previous competitions. The awards are open to researchers and academic staff (including postdoctoral researchers) and to students, including doctoral and masters students and BA (MA in Scotland) or BSc students in their final year of studies.   'The Prix for 2022 was awarded jointly to Dr Craig Moyes (Kings College London)  and Dr Julie Rodgers (Maynooth University) Further details about the 2023 Prix will be published on the BACS website in due course.

BACS MAILING LIST To join the BACS mailing list and receive their news directly, please write to Editor Tony McCulloch. The newsletter is sent out on behalf of the BACS Council to keep BACS members and supporters informed of BACS activities and related Canadian Studies events. 


Wanda Hamilton