Nominations open for Commonwealth Service Flag Bearer

We are pleased to share the following time sensitive information, brought to our attention by the Canadian High Commission in London.

The High Commissioner has received an invitation to attend the Commonwealth Service, the UK’s largest, annual inter-faith celebration and premier public event to celebrate the Commonwealth. While the format and scale of this year’s event is still being considered within the context of the current pandemic situation, the organizers have commenced making preparations for the 2022 service to proceed on Monday, 14th March at Westminster Abbey. Attendees typically include members of the Royal Family, the UK Prime Minister, representatives of the Government and Opposition, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, members of the Diplomatic Corps, Commonwealth and UK dignitaries and UK school children. Further information about RCS and Commonwealth Day is available here.

The Royal Commonwealth Society has invited the HCC to nominate a young person of outstanding achievement from our local diaspora that could carry the Canadian flag at the Service. // La Royal Commonwealth Society a invité le HCC à nommer une jeune personne aux réalisations exceptionnelles de notre diaspora locale qui pourrait porter le drapeau canadien au service.


·         The flag bearer should be of the same nationality as the flag they are carrying;

·         The flag bearer should be aged between 18 and 29 years of age;

·         The nominated flag bearer must be available on Monday 14th March (8:30-16:30) as well as the afternoon of Saturday 12th March (16:00-18:00) for a mandatory rehearsal;

·         Further instructions will be supplied to the nominated individual once selected.

To propose a flag bearer, please submit a nomination to by no later than Sunday, 23rd January, with the following details: // Pour proposer un porte-drapeau, veuillez soumettre une nomination à au plus tard le dimanche, 23 janvier, avec les détails suivants:

·         Full name of proposed nominee:

·         Gender:

·         Date of Birth:

·         Contact email address:

·         Contact mobile number:

·         Reason for nomination:

·         Nominated by:

All proposed nominations will be reviewed by the Public Diplomacy section in view of sending a recommendation to the High Commissioner. // Toutes les candidatures proposées seront examinées par la section de Diplomatie ouverte en vue d’acheminer une recommandation au Haut-commissaire.

Canada-UK Foundation