Introducing Katherine Greene: CMF Scholar 2021

My name is Katherine Greene and I am honoured to have been selected as this year’s CMF scholar. I am from Ottawa, Canada and recently arrived in the UK to begin the MSc in Environmental Policy and Regulation at the London School of Economics with the support of the Canada Memorial Foundation. 

Pursuing a master’s degree abroad is a significant financial undertaking and I am immensely grateful to the foundation and its generous donors for the great privilege to further my academic career at a world-class university without financial burden. Thanks to the CMF, I am fortunate to be able to dedicate my focus to this exciting and challenging academic endeavour. Undertaking this rigorous master’s programme will greatly enrich my foundations in environmental science and economics. I will have the opportunity to engage with an international cohort at the forefront of evidence-based policy and thought leadership to support the development of robust and coherent environmental and climate policies.

Canada, like all countries, will be negatively impacted by the intensifying impacts of global climate change. Building a climate resilient recovery into economic and social systems and physical infrastructure is therefore essential. I look forward to applying the skills, knowledge and perspectives from this degree to a career at the intersection of environment, economy and policy in a government department, think tank, or other policy-focussed NGO to help build a sustainable future for all Canadians.

Canada-UK Foundation